Saturday, January 30, 2016

6 Fun Ways to Enjoy Your Workout While the Weather is Cool

We may not live in a country where it snows and freezes, but still working out or exercising on cold wintry mornings is pretty painful. As a sharp biting wind hits you where you least expect it, you start longing for your warm bed and then your resolution fails. For the next couple of months, your resolution failed even before you got out of bed, because you now know what the biting wind feels like. But now the mornings are perfectly lovely. Cool and pleasant with just a nip in the air - the perfect weather for outdoor exercise. Here are six fun ways of exercising outdoors while this glorious weather lasts.
1. Take an early morning walk in the park, as the sun illuminates the tree tops and the world smells absolutely new - no traces of pollution whatsoever. Do some deep breathing along with it. The fresh air will do you a world of good.

2. Wear your yoga pants and head out to the beach for a quiet morning session of yoga, with the sea breeze in your hair.
3. Try doing aerobic dance or zumba on the terrace of your apartment. The mild morning sun will make you feel energised as will the workout itself. You'll head out that morning with a cheerful outlook.

4. On weekend mornings, go on a long cycling expedition instead of long drives. Even better, head out to one of your favourite breakfast joints on a cycle, along with friends. Only make sure this joint is at least 7-10 km away. Only then is this a form of workout!
5. A morning swim is exactly what you need to get the blood circulation going in this weather. The water will be a tad bracing but totally swimmable, and you will feel completely awake at the end of it, and less tired than you usually do in hot weather.

6. A day long trek at a weekend destination will be lovely in this weather and it wouldn't sap your energy out like in other seasons.

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